Sunday, October 31, 2010

Age Of Empires Full Version Game


Here we go once again to leave the balls of bread that you follow to get to intuit character / s and topic of the fifth episode of "We are all Phoenicians" which airs Tuesday, November 2 at 12:30 on the frequencies of RADIO 1 RAI and, as always made in studies of RADIO RAI SARDINIA , in Cagliari, also written and conducted by Stefano Fozzi , regiata by Cristina Maccioni and technical by Simone Casti .

This time we will talk about very bad people, of corruption, abuse of power, embezzlement and other nice amenities popular since ancient times. Our calendar will move around 1300 about to tell the story of two Sardinian who gave evidence of mismanagement of public administration. We will make a descent into hell along with Dante and Virgil for close working conditions of guards demons.

verify the reasons for their trade union protest and the reasons which led them to harpoon and skin damage in the various pits of hell.

you will get a picture taken during the interview with the union representatives of the category of Demons eighth round in which two microphones were merged.
the moment is everything. The clues they have, hours of airing too. After the episode you'll also have the link to the podcast. We look forward many!

Remember the episode is broadcast on Radio 1 Rai only to Sardinia. If you listen to follow us off the island via the Internet according to the addresses found on this website or by connecting directly to the PORTAL RADIO SARDINIA and clicking on the link Go to Palimpsest. Hello



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