Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Addison's Disease Heart Arrhythmia

the English and the food

hello to everyone and I do not write that much and many things have happened! I finally was hired even though I'm not sure if I will hold for long ... the work is in, or better in 4 stores Camden Town. my boss is a kind of Chinese couples, they pay well but are a bit 'too attached to money for my taste. the watchword is "catch the costumers." I sincerely after estaltato with all my strength a bag or a dress I do not know what to do if you do not rob the customer to "catch"! but despite this I think I'm going well, I do the daily sales are not bad, but there is never enough for them. I do not mind!

as I promised in this post I want to talk about food here in London, one of the things I like to do more and that relaxes me, you wander among the shelves of supermarkets, discover strange things from other countries. that's the beauty of London, are of international groceries. the bad is that they are all sort of bad copies of the real food of a certain country. I fell in love baked naans, a sort of Arabic flat bread made with yogurt and seeds that should be of poppy seeds. is great with the cheese over the ham.
useless to talk of sweets: donuts, cupcakes, muffins, iced cakes, cheesecake, chocolate and so on and so forth. are all sublime, fantastic, grassissimi. the other day before going to work I got a waffle with white chocolate, hot, soft and tasty. westfield shopping center is a stand that sells sweet and salty pretzel too too but too good. my favorites are the cheese but I also like not even the vanilla.

but now we move on to talk about the eating habits of English: Sauces and sauces. go crazy for the chilli and I must say that I like it too sweet. The problem arises when your host mother begins this way: "I do not feel good, now I eat something healthy," you you you fall intrigued but the arms as you see it preparing his meal: a slice of toast to make of bread, until there's nothing wrong, he takes a sort of box in which there are "spaghetti loop" in a tomato sauce that has nothing to do with the tomatoes, but like all the sauces tomato in England, is pure ketchup. pay these spaghetti on toast and as we put finishing touches on the miraculous spicy sauce English, I do not know what to be done, I'm curious and scared at the same time in the text, cmq is this:
http://lukehoney. typepad.com/the_greasy_spoon/2007/11/brown-sauce.html
in fast food are the breakfast menu, which are the same as lunch and dinner, ie hamburgers and so on, adding that slapped the omelet in half, this very healthy to start the day.
then argue that because they do not take the coffee shakes too much, not good for health and other menate like that, but then you hear them wake up at 4 in the morning to down a jug of tea, because in their view is the sleep, will know that tea is so named because it contains protein that is a intoxicating?
in substance strafogano hamburger (or if it's good bread with a little bit of butter) for breakfast, then buy organic products to make cool but put us on three pounds of sauce and cheese, drinking liters of tea a day strictly with milk and brown sugar sticky and smelly. AND THEN I HAVE TO HEAR ME SAY "I CAN BE THERE IN ITALY WHY 'SURELY fattening"??


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