Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wedding Card Pharases


GIANFRANCO (The Monster) and Lanfranco (Frankie) DETTORI

Gianfranco Dettori, "The Monster"
In this episode we've done the thrill of riding a race with the fastest race horses in the last 30 years. Bolkonski, Wollow and others have led to victory two great jockeys, a father and son, both famous and (almost) unrivaled.

Gianfranco Dettori, the father, the Monster, who has won everything in Italy as well, as far as data from the time when he ran - he retired in 1992 to 51 years - many important events in Europe, especially in England.

Lanfranco "Frankie" Dettori on his famous jump after a victory
Lanfranco Dettori , son, Frankie , running yet - today is 40 years old - and has won the most important races in England, U.S., Saudi, Japan, becoming a model for Jockers (jockeys) from around the world.

Two very different characters between them, but with a solid and the same motivation: to win. Thousands of races, titles, trophies and prizes in two triumphed over any circuit requiring the name Dettori wherever they were.

Serramanna all started from, and if you want to learn more by listening to the episode by clicking the link found below , or from the top menu page LISTEN TO THE POINT , where you can access all the episodes of this program.


The voice that read and interpreted, with the right amount of sports rage, the chronicle of the race " 2000 Guineas " won in 1975 by Gianfranco Dettori riding Bolkonski , is dell'inimitabile Andrea Coco , brave journalist writing Radio RAI Sardinia, to whom we provide sideways and necessarily, a joyful image taken during the making of the episode.

The text of the chronicle was written by Carlo Biffi, the day after the race, the "Sportsman Trot" , and slightly modified to make it suitable for a chronicle of race in real time.

PLAYLIST November 30, 2010

During the episode you heard of the wonderful songs of them but missed, and we have not told the title? We did it on purpose, so you're forced to look for in these pages!
  1. Ligabue - The zoo is here
  2. Belinda Carlisle - A star is born
  3. Randy Newman - You've got a friend in me
  4. The Coral - Dreaming Of You


What happens to a philosopher (maybe) Japanese evades questions that every point of the conductor and tells improbable stories often made no sense? Can discover in today's episode ...!

Zacu Leoshi Item: Cristina

Today we end this way. Tomorrow, who knows ...?! For the moment we greet you and we are waiting and numerous faithful!

Hello [SF]


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