Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Diagram Of Asahi Pentax K1000


RUTH GUGGENHEIM, E Costantino Nivola Alessandro Nivola

1938, honeymoon in Orani
A long history of 'love , d' art , lives in the movement, freedom of and adversity as meritvava a bet that today's longer than usual, and they did. We have closely followed the love story between a life term Ruth Guggenheim Nivola Costantino . Without dwelling too much on their already well-known artistic experiences-especially those Nivola fill books, museums, streets and buildings around the world, we moved at the turn of time between the 30s and now the time to spy on the meeting between Ruth and Constantine and the succession of events and leaks from Europe and Italy before arriving until later today. Where today is represented by his nephew, Alessandro Nivola , familiar face to moviegoers, Hollywood star and actor of many films from the 90 notes onwards. A bittersweet journey, sometimes funny, with whom we wanted to outline the events of a specific historical period through the life of reviving some of the inevitable twists and families that had their ups and downs with history.

Ruth, Constantine and his sons in the early '50s
few links for further information if you are curious to know a little 'more about the stars of today:

1) Costantino Nivola, sculpture
to see and understand the art of Nivola.

the page with photos and documents on Constantine, Ruth and Orani.

3) Alessandro Nivola
filmography and some biographical note.

The must-site (in English) of the Darwin Award that contains and describes all suicides to accidental-developed minds.

PLAYLIST November 9, 2010
During the episode you heard of the wonderful songs of them but missed, and we have not told the title? We did it on purpose, so you're forced to look for in these pages!
  1. Mario Venuti - You put your face
  2. The Rebels - In the sun, the wind, the smile, in tears
  3. Kiroro - Sayonara Daisuki Na Hito
  4. Vasco Rossi - Stupendo
  5. Pino Daniele - ; cuntento And I know 'and is


you afraid of water? Nothing to fear with Professor Leoshi, which today will not only pass quest'ancestrale fear, but we will bring the hand towards a major share cultural roots. Is it true that the DEUNODÙSCIU definitely has a common origin with the Sardinian DEU NO DU SCÌU ? At the oar the last word ...

Zacu Leoshi Item: Cristina

Lost sixth episode? Or you do not live in Sardinia, but want to have the pleasure to add you to the ranks of fans Phoenicians? Here is the link to listen to the episode online or download it.


Two more quick information, but necessary, to remind you: 1) the phrase Ruth Guggenheim was read by Roberta Mocco and 2) the Manifesto of racial laws was read by Enzo Arce, brave journalist writing Radio RAI Sardegna , of which I enclose a joyful image taken during the making of the episode.

Regarding the fate of one of our two engineers, David Zurru , the press does not give us good news. We hope to be the usual gossip!

We expect many and faithful again next week, TUESDAY November 16 to 12:30 on Radio 1 RAI or every day on our website!

Greetings to all, Sardinia, the Phoenicians and not.

Hello! [SF]


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