Sunday, January 30, 2011 Usb Dongle Safenet

Cortina D'Ampezzo 2011

Cortina d'Ampezzo, the Pearl of the Dolomites
Merc.26 of January 2011 and Giov.27
Commento di Olivier Bandler, di Ginevra!
Partecipanti Marcello, Sabrina, Luigi Olivier ed.
Two days of skiing in Cortina d'Ampezzo.
Due giorni di SCI Cortina
Every sending numerous emails about skiing, Marcel serina we always m ^ nd sentence
Ogni volta che Marcello una delle sue it Mandava email numbers sci Sullo, the latter sciorinava semper stessa frase:
"Rappelez-vous que reste toujours Cortina Cortina.
Remember "is always Cortina Cortina "
Intrigue, je décidais enfin de me joindre au groupe avait program here cette sortie
definitely intrigued so I decided to join the group that had planned this out
composé Sabrina, Marcel, Louis and me.
formato da Sabrina, Marcello, Luigi e dal vostro servitore
We left Wednesday morning at dawn. On arrival, we were able
Siamo dunque Partiti Mercoledì mattina All'Alba. Came unto Destinazione abbiamo potuto
take possession result of our rooms at the Hotel Lajiana, reserved in advance by Marcel
prendere subito possesso delle camere all'Hotel Lajadira ours, Marcello da precedentemente prenotato
an unbeatable price (what organizer This Marcel !!!).
ad un prezzo veramente concorrenziale (che organizzatore, what Marcello!)
We then headed to the slopes of saying " tofana "wide et spendides, certaines
but foi, fort Raides.
We then headed to the slopes of these Tofane, wide and wonderful and indeed some of them very steep.
Sabrina here refusait systématiquement emprunter d'une noire en tracks in the descendu deux sans savoir.
Sabrina who systematically refused to go down a black run, has made two without knowing it.
En fin de journée après une petite ballade dans la rue de commerçant Cortina, nous nous sommes retrouvés
at the end of the day after a walk in the shopping street of Cortina, we found ourselves
an excellent à l'hotel où nous d ^ iner attendait.
at the hotel where we waited for dinner excellent.
The next day departure for the Cinque Torre.
il giorno dopo partenza per le Cinque Torri "
And there, my friends, a skier's paradise.
and there, amici miei, Il Paradiso degli Sciatori.
The Enchantment with a big F. I do not remember having had such a feeling of well-being ^ on skis.
Uno spettacolo da Fiaba con la F maiuscola. Non ricordo di aver avuto una tale May sensazione sugli sci di benessere.
wonderful landscapes, snow re ^ ve.
paesaggi Meravigliosa, neve da sogno.
Exhausted but happy, so we went home, confirming the now famous phrase:
Stanchi death, my felici siamo in pieno ritornati confermando the now famous phrase:
"Rappelez-vous que reste toujours Cortina Cortina.
Remember Cortina Cortina is always
Hello and thank you for everything.
Thank you, Olivier by all SDM


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