Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mound And Blade Pl Ful Versionrapid Share


RENATO Raccis: the story of a Sardinian player in Serie A in the '40s

Renato Raccis
Renato Raccis was, along with Peter Sotgiu and Peter Charter, one of the top three players Sardinians to play in Serie A Italian Football Championship. Among all three, is certainly the most remembered, both for its militancy important football ( Livorno, Juventus, Milan ), both for the number of goals scored and the game records still stand.

Great teams, badges missed by just one point in the standings, transfers and transfers made under bombardment to play a game. scored 61 goals in just 58 games in the first year professional career. These are just some of the topics treated her in this episode, the last of this cycle of broadcasts "Phoenician." A whole episode dedicated to great football, with original commentary, music closely linked to football television and radio, and setting, of course, from the stadium.

An endgame for rhythmic accompaniment to the closure of this meeting lasted 17 radio episodes. But the life of this blog does not end here.

updates, photos, videos and more will be available in a (more or less) regular basis. From here you can always listen to or download all our bets, leave comments and find links for further information. A quick completion of the tabs and pages still in draft form and will be added new content.


From the top menu, the page LISTEN TO THE POINT , you can access all the episodes already aired.

Many people are waiting for you ready to tell their stories in seventeen missed episodes!

spikenard Maria and Simone Casti
These two smiling people, others are not unless Maria and Simone , curious motorists who talk on the radio. We have liberated them from the driver, and since they have reduced their economic demands, we also publish their photos.

PLAYLIST January 25, 2011

During the episode you heard of the wonderful songs of them but missed, and we have not told the title?

We did it on purpose, so you're forced to look for in these pages!
  1. Michael McDonald - Peolple got to be free
  2. Elio Elst - Friend Hooligan
  3. Jack Penate - Learning Lines


Ah, the sport on top of Fujiama ... wonderful feeling that can give! Today we discover another hidden side of Professor Zacu Leoshi and final ... an unexpected turn of events will allow Stefano of "rise" a bit 'to a world of ignorance. Ah, the nientologia ...

Zacu Leoshi Item: Cristina

Stefano Fozzi
We look forward to many more and on these pages to be part of the dense array of listeners Phoenicians!
Greetings and thanks! to all those who have followed us on our travels.

Hello from Stephen Fozzi and the entire team of Radio RAI Sardegna! [SF]


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