Sunday, January 30, 2011 Usb Dongle Safenet

Cortina D'Ampezzo 2011

Cortina d'Ampezzo, the Pearl of the Dolomites
Merc.26 of January 2011 and Giov.27
Commento di Olivier Bandler, di Ginevra!
Partecipanti Marcello, Sabrina, Luigi Olivier ed.
Two days of skiing in Cortina d'Ampezzo.
Due giorni di SCI Cortina
Every sending numerous emails about skiing, Marcel serina we always m ^ nd sentence
Ogni volta che Marcello una delle sue it Mandava email numbers sci Sullo, the latter sciorinava semper stessa frase:
"Rappelez-vous que reste toujours Cortina Cortina.
Remember "is always Cortina Cortina "
Intrigue, je décidais enfin de me joindre au groupe avait program here cette sortie
definitely intrigued so I decided to join the group that had planned this out
composé Sabrina, Marcel, Louis and me.
formato da Sabrina, Marcello, Luigi e dal vostro servitore
We left Wednesday morning at dawn. On arrival, we were able
Siamo dunque Partiti Mercoledì mattina All'Alba. Came unto Destinazione abbiamo potuto
take possession result of our rooms at the Hotel Lajiana, reserved in advance by Marcel
prendere subito possesso delle camere all'Hotel Lajadira ours, Marcello da precedentemente prenotato
an unbeatable price (what organizer This Marcel !!!).
ad un prezzo veramente concorrenziale (che organizzatore, what Marcello!)
We then headed to the slopes of saying " tofana "wide et spendides, certaines
but foi, fort Raides.
We then headed to the slopes of these Tofane, wide and wonderful and indeed some of them very steep.
Sabrina here refusait systématiquement emprunter d'une noire en tracks in the descendu deux sans savoir.
Sabrina who systematically refused to go down a black run, has made two without knowing it.
En fin de journée après une petite ballade dans la rue de commerçant Cortina, nous nous sommes retrouvés
at the end of the day after a walk in the shopping street of Cortina, we found ourselves
an excellent à l'hotel où nous d ^ iner attendait.
at the hotel where we waited for dinner excellent.
The next day departure for the Cinque Torre.
il giorno dopo partenza per le Cinque Torri "
And there, my friends, a skier's paradise.
and there, amici miei, Il Paradiso degli Sciatori.
The Enchantment with a big F. I do not remember having had such a feeling of well-being ^ on skis.
Uno spettacolo da Fiaba con la F maiuscola. Non ricordo di aver avuto una tale May sensazione sugli sci di benessere.
wonderful landscapes, snow re ^ ve.
paesaggi Meravigliosa, neve da sogno.
Exhausted but happy, so we went home, confirming the now famous phrase:
Stanchi death, my felici siamo in pieno ritornati confermando the now famous phrase:
"Rappelez-vous que reste toujours Cortina Cortina.
Remember Cortina Cortina is always
Hello and thank you for everything.
Thank you, Olivier by all SDM

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mound And Blade Pl Ful Versionrapid Share


RENATO Raccis: the story of a Sardinian player in Serie A in the '40s

Renato Raccis
Renato Raccis was, along with Peter Sotgiu and Peter Charter, one of the top three players Sardinians to play in Serie A Italian Football Championship. Among all three, is certainly the most remembered, both for its militancy important football ( Livorno, Juventus, Milan ), both for the number of goals scored and the game records still stand.

Great teams, badges missed by just one point in the standings, transfers and transfers made under bombardment to play a game. scored 61 goals in just 58 games in the first year professional career. These are just some of the topics treated her in this episode, the last of this cycle of broadcasts "Phoenician." A whole episode dedicated to great football, with original commentary, music closely linked to football television and radio, and setting, of course, from the stadium.

An endgame for rhythmic accompaniment to the closure of this meeting lasted 17 radio episodes. But the life of this blog does not end here.

updates, photos, videos and more will be available in a (more or less) regular basis. From here you can always listen to or download all our bets, leave comments and find links for further information. A quick completion of the tabs and pages still in draft form and will be added new content.


From the top menu, the page LISTEN TO THE POINT , you can access all the episodes already aired.

Many people are waiting for you ready to tell their stories in seventeen missed episodes!

spikenard Maria and Simone Casti
These two smiling people, others are not unless Maria and Simone , curious motorists who talk on the radio. We have liberated them from the driver, and since they have reduced their economic demands, we also publish their photos.

PLAYLIST January 25, 2011

During the episode you heard of the wonderful songs of them but missed, and we have not told the title?

We did it on purpose, so you're forced to look for in these pages!
  1. Michael McDonald - Peolple got to be free
  2. Elio Elst - Friend Hooligan
  3. Jack Penate - Learning Lines


Ah, the sport on top of Fujiama ... wonderful feeling that can give! Today we discover another hidden side of Professor Zacu Leoshi and final ... an unexpected turn of events will allow Stefano of "rise" a bit 'to a world of ignorance. Ah, the nientologia ...

Zacu Leoshi Item: Cristina

Stefano Fozzi
We look forward to many more and on these pages to be part of the dense array of listeners Phoenicians!
Greetings and thanks! to all those who have followed us on our travels.

Hello from Stephen Fozzi and the entire team of Radio RAI Sardegna! [SF]

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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SIXTEENTH (-1 to end)

YOUNG GRACE DELEDDA: born of a love story on paper and finished with a visit

Grazia Deledda
If we begin to think about the face and figure of Grazia Deledda come to mind the usual images on the covers of books: her seat, clearly pose, with gray hair and maybe a shawl over her shoulders. A photo in black and white where the author, perhaps with a pen in hand, is portrayed as he writes (or pretends to write) something. A single image to represent an entire life. But it was Grace young? What were the emotional joys or sorrows that have changed the character and style of writing? What are the passions that drove a painful choices? In this episode we decided to offer a different perspective on Grazia Deledda , so give you an image that you will never get printed on photographic plate, but which, when seen through the eyes of the imagination, do not leave you any more.

Stanis missing

During this episode relive first hand the romance between Grace and journalist missing Sassari Stanis, literary critic who lives and works in Rome. A letters long and troubled history that has had only a brief encounter between the two protagonists, but that has been so intense as to leave the young writer Nuoro, the indelible marks.

to help in this episode, the role of the young Grazia Deledda , you will find the talented Daniela Pettinau , whose, side and dutifully, we enclose a picture taken in a moment of joy during the construction of transport bet.

Daniela Pettinau

Thanks also to Mary spikenard and Simone Casti to have been present in the short but intense role of listeners in the car! Because dell'esosità the figure that the two men requested to appear on this page, their photo was torn. When the two are still locked in the car with open microphones. Their exciting discussions will soon be available on FB.

Between ourselves: prepare tissues before you start listening to this episode!


From the top menu, the page LISTEN TO THE POINT , you can access all the episodes already aired. Many people are waiting for you ready to tell their stories in sixteen missed episodes!

PLAYLIST January 18, 2011

During the episode you heard of the wonderful songs of them but missed, and we have not told the title? We did it on purpose, so you're forced to look for in these pages !
  1. Bill LaBounty - Livin 'it up
  2. The Beatles - Across the universe
  3. America - Survival


Thinker or wrestler? What is the true nature of Zacu Leoshi? The today's episode takes us to a different kind of scenario, where the professor, in an atmosphere more intimate and relaxed, tells a love story that characterized his youth. Maybe ..!
Zacu Leoshi Item: Cristina

We feel next week, Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:30 on Radio1 RAI frequencies , FOR MISSED LAST EPISODE!

Enjoy everyone! [SF]

Sunday, January 16, 2011 Milena Velba

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Bimetallic Strip Kitchenaid

promotion until 31/03/2011..balaustre

Wooden Laminate Flooring

promotion until 31/03/2011..balaustre

Peeing A Lot And Stomach Pains

promotion until 31/03/2011..balaustre

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Running Pokemon Online In Wine

promotion until 31/03/2011..balaustre

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where To Buy Famous Stars And Straps Mall

Clint Eastwood

The year 2011 started well enough after all.
I was trolling for a room full of people, December 31, when it is time for X, I lent a hand - without do damage! - In a restaurant from 60 seats in the low hills and I was fine to dry mountains and mountains of glasses.
I have also done earlier this year, one thing that I did not time and it is really a good improvement over the usual trend, real Uic?!
They tell me that horoscopes are favorable, to Rob is always a bit 'cryptic (Rob, joy, "to make sure that you want to keep your eyes open." Is not exactly a council water roses ..), and other disasters if you do not stand between me and the good mood, it could also be a good year.
That, said the Jan. 12, could appear reckless assertion, but I want to be optimistic and think that everything turn for the better.
My Karma needs it.
I will not do the list of good intentions, we say that there are a couple of things I'd like to realize, how to give a cut to the University examinations, stabilize the work as much as allow me to make commitments in the medium term listen to music genres that do not know and maybe update the blog regularly.
I would say that it does not take a disastrous engagement. Just a little bit 'of martial discipline.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Brazilian Keratin Treatment Chemistry

FIFTEENTH BET (-2 at the end)

VIOLANTE CARROZ: the complicated life of the last Countess of Quirra

Meanwhile, a clarification: how many Violante Carroz have existed? Two, and are often confused. Violante of which we speak in this fascinating episode was established in 1455 and is also known by the nickname of sympathetic "the bloody" . But or was that really the popular rumors and legends created around the figure of the woman an aura of evil which has no real?

Castello di San Michele - Cagliari
During the first person bet you'll relive the greatest moments in the life of Violante, the various incidents that have marred the peace of mind, the adverse events that have made the complex daily .

But his relations with the King of Spain , the long travel abroad, forced marriages, children abandoned for years, met the love at the wrong time.

And even the unexpected gesture that made her go down in history as the evil Countess of Quirra .

love, death, court intrigue, conquest, raids, denied burial, and the story of a stone sarcophagus that only recently has found its rightful place.

But not only in this episode, mostly set in Castello di San Michele, Cagliari to , relive environments, habits, apparel that was a great fortress for military use but also residential. In short: a journey of 26 minutes in the history of Cagliari and in the life of the last descendant of the great dynasty of Quirra Carroz.


From the top menu, the page LISTEN TO THE POINT , you can access all the episodes already gone in wave. Thirteen people are waiting for you ready to tell their stories in as many missed episodes!

PLAYLIST January 11, 2011

During the episode you heard of the wonderful songs of them but missed, and we have not told the title? We did it on purpose, so you're forced to look for in these pages!
  1. Richie Lee Jones - Pirates
  2. Circulus - This is the way
  3. Elvis Presley - Burning love


Man or woman? Dream or reality? Nightmare or a veil that hides the true identity of Zacu Leoshi? We do not know what to think, but certainly the speech today the representative of Deunodùsciu Italy is subject as never before. Maybe ...! Among fables and Japan , another intervention Match Nientologo of Italian radio!

We feel next week, Tuesday, January 18, 2011 to 12:30 on the frequencies of Radio1 RAI .

Enjoy everyone! [SF]

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gay Cruising Spots In Mumbai?

MYSTERIES AND TRADE IN PERSON: John Piras, Juan Peron and Christopher Columbus

An episode dedicated to the unsolved mysteries . The first part takes us back a few decades ago and we moved to Argentina, to ask what's so true in the exchange of identity between the Mamoiada Giovanni Piras and three-time president Juan Peron of Argentina . You will hear the case, the evidence for and those against, and the latest updates.

Can an immigrant, a worker assigned to the logging and construction of a railroad, in a few years to take a new identity, go to ' Military Academy, do career in politics and get elected three times as President of Argentina? Can a president be able to conceal their origins? What links there were between Juan Peron and Sardinia? The fascinating story of Giovanni Piras left for South America as is interwoven with that of a president without a past and the apparent inconsistencies in his family and to his photographs as a child? Many clues to a story that still has not found with certainty its natural end.

The second section puts you in front of one of the most recent historical hypothesis according to which the Admiral Christopher Columbus would be called in different ways and, above all, was born in Sardinia, to be precise to Castle Sanluri .

genealogical clues, heraldic titles, royal families are interwoven with the Popes and the University and everything revolves around our island. Again!


From the top menu, the page LISTEN TO THE POINT , you can access all the episodes already aired. Thirteen people are waiting for you ready to tell their stories in as many missed episodes!

PLAYLIST January 4, 2011

During the episode you heard of the wonderful songs of them but missed, and we have not told the title? We did it on purpose, so you're forced to look for in these pages!
  1. Muchachito Bombo Infierno - Pongal Fácil
  2. Mana - Somos Arena y mar


We are still speechless ... what happened in this episode is really ... you know ... inexplicable! Or maybe not the exact term is inconceivable. From this moment nothing will be as before, starting with Zacu Leoshi !

We feel next week, Tuesday, January 11, 2011 to 12:30 on the frequencies of Radio1 RAI .

Enjoy everyone! [SF]