Saturday, May 1, 2010

Regal Boat Wallpapers

hand in my pocket

details of this period in random order.

- I finally went to see my amicicia Chiarina.
Chiarina lives on the mountains around Lecco, we've seen in a while ', he had stopped working together, fighting shoulder to shoulder against the evil forces of the visitor to exhibitions in Milan has diverted from important speeches on the oil of jojoba and weekend cleansing shock.
My trip to the mountains has resulted in an armchair in the bedroom watching almost the entire first series of Ally McBeal and eating a little embarrassing to say the amount of strawberries;

- leaving aside that it is the first of May and I work, even if I work knowing that she facebookkiana company of my colleagues around the various exhibition spaces, I finally received the contract signed by my boss who said they give me work for a year. One year. Whole. Twelve months. Twelve months where I can not declare more precarious. Precarietta say. Tonight I toast a whole year and won this entirely with my hands in need of a beautician and a hairdresser in need of this head;

- I was briefly in love with a committed Pavia, which I have found to fix the theater section of a library at a time when I had to buy a copy of " Dream of a midsummer night " of what each page becomes my favorite playwright.
Very nice, very kind and very patient with me I wanted the issue "as cheap as possible" (he laughs) and then dropped because it is equipped only in pastry arts;

- still live in extreme disorder, chaos in the bungee-jumping, free-climbing in the disorganization of the home because of very brief visits to the home but I proceeded to supply new radio, new kettle , new pots, new hood, new furniture and cabinets and tables - still packaged, almost;

- I took classes in University and I realized that no progress will ever prepare to face the reality of the angular life, many theories are absolutely wonderful birds and not of practical use, of which there takes hold for a vague sense of masochism just the human being as such. And I also decided that teens are completely and unquestionably stoned by the media bombardment.


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