Monday, May 17, 2010

Quo Or Lancome Yahoo Answer

New Shoes

Yesterday I bought a pair of All Star . My first pair of All Stars. Okay, nothing special, thousands of people every day do the same thing and we do not embroider around. I had not even bought a pair of Manolo - to celebrate those, and the great.
It 's a small celebration that makes me laugh - inside, not out - because my house has always been the "species".
A kind of All Star, All Star, but that are not that look like us. A kind of roast, but a kind of sponge cake with yogurt instead of butter.
And I say with a great great great affection for this woman's funny is that my mother raised us with very good surrogate of life.
Polaroid of that period: I have just finished the 80 of paninari do not see many more around, fortunately only a few steel careless that he has not noticed that the bomber, and the timberland the burgh have given way to other trends.
We, me and my brother, live in this province borderline, borderline, because it is precisely on the border between Piedmont and Lombardy, and a little 'hard to figure out whether to head to the tradition of Bagna Cauda or cassoeula , because the province is the province, period, no hope cosmopolitan.
What you can do in this place is trying to make the most of the opportunities the city offers, such as tanks in the center on Saturday afternoon as the highest expression of social life, because it requires a formal uniform, as the designer jeans or designer shoes, while d other side of the fence, to represent the hard core of the dull old man against us our young mother, who did not see any difference between a pair of All Star and a couple of podium. And we bought the podium, of course.


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