Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pıctures Of Different Vagınas

The Universal

have the idea that the Earth is rebelling, which is tired of hearing so many small feet, so many wheels, so many trains on the walk, which is tired to take up a lot of stuff - skyscrapers, buildings, detached, hovels - , who is disgusted by all the trash with which the daily padded and a little 'resentful of the lack of respect with which we respond to his offers of peace.
All in all, if we have two eyes, a nose, two arms and two legs, the credit is all his own, that the Universe was the only one to enable us to achieve these eyes, the nose etc., to keep the hot primordial soup that has generated.
It 'something I was top on his head for some time, say that the tour has made her Katrina in New Orleans: the Earth has boxes full of us, let us know everyone is saying ways, but we "mankind", "Supreme Being", "beast smarter persist to call them disasters, calamities, even divine wrath.
In my opinion, down there in the cockpit of hot melted butter are looking for a way to get rid of us, and I think we did a sketch comedian George Carlin that showed me Doc the one evening.
Carlin, in a theatrical manner, sarcastic and a bit 'too pointed out that perhaps the earth is shaking like a big dog wet shakes to get rid of us that we are probably a phase, a chapter as we open, it will , and is not a theory as unlikely, in my opinion.
I always thought the man as a creature of boundless presumption, which is self-chosen better than the other species without any meeting of a condominium with other animals, that when he has had the opportunity subjugated the territory and made it what it preferred, without hesitation, feeling entitled to a hypothetical similarity a god who has never seen - much arrogance there is in all this?!
We never think that man can eventually be a kind of endangered, with only a time frame longer and detailed than the dodo ?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Sandals And Neuropathy

How to recover deleted photos after "the corruption of memory card "

Until the advent of digital photography, photographers - amateur or seasoned - used to rely on film cameras. Today, most people use a digital camera to photograph their needs because of immediate results. A user can click, delete, edit and share photos in no time. Most importantly, the advances in technology have brought within the reach of many users with the ability to offer factor. Despite the many advantages, one still can not overlook the fact that digital photos can become inaccessible in the event of corruption of storage media. card memory corruption is something that a user must take with a pinch of salt. But a careful and intelligent user can fight corruption if it has obtained a valid and current backup to restore the lost photos in case of corruption. And in the case, there is no backup, you can rely on a digital photo recovery software to recover lost photos .

As a practical case, you can witness the following error when loading the memory card of digital camera:

"The card is not formatted. Format tab

As soon as the error occurs, will not allow you to display photos stored on the memory card. In addition to making data inaccessible, will not let you save your picture on it.


The message above is a result of the corruption of memory card that may have crept in because of interruption in the reading / writing process. An interruption in the read / write process can take place due to following reasons:

  • Turning off the camera while you're transferring images to a computer
  • clicking pictures with low batteries
  • Removing the card while its contents are still open on a computer (and many others)


Damaged Card memory, you can fix by formatting the card again. Formatting install a new file system tab and you will be able to store more pictures on it. However, in order to recover lost photos after formatting, you must select the best recovery software for digital photos.

These third-party utilities to recover the Photo recovery lost / deleted / formatted photos efficiently. Moreover, being non-destructive in nature, can not damage the original content during the recovery process.

Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery is a reliable software that retrieves all the media files from a formatted memory card and other storage media like memory stick, Windows / Mac hard disks, Zip disks, USBs and other removable media. The recovery tool recovers almost all photo formats including photos, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, PNG, BMP, RAW etc..

Friday, April 9, 2010

Arthritis Nud Talocruralis

Over the rainbow

Damn me and when I decide to go to the movies.

Isa last night and I decide to go see a movie, an evening among adults without small Attila taking by force the remote to see dogs and cats blue pink dress up strawberries in acid trip without parents that you stop seeing small Attila ecstatic howling which has plastered his shirt to dinner on the little man she's wearing and without the minimum restraint, because the two thirtysomethings have decided to spend two hours with Robert Pattinson full screen.
The movie is "Remember me " that it is true that the idol of teenage protagonist, but boy is the saddest film ever! Even sadder than " PS I love you , "in which he dies and she must overcome the grief receiving a monthly paper a message that reminds us how wonderful her husband was dead. Even sadder, the" Prince of Tides "in which Nick Nolte Barbra Streisand leaves telling her that he loves her, but also loves his wife," only the longest .
Well, it was heartbreaking to see this movie. Getting up in lights on and see the valley of tears on the chairs behind us was even more heartbreaking. But the worst thing is to realize that thirty years I played and I do take evil to be a sad movie.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tvcenter Pro Unhandled Exception

Dust in the wind

's all in the afternoon I try to write something interesting, but I was wrong. E 'that are at work, my eyes burn because I spend too much time in front of this pc, I need a coffee but I do not want to complain.

I want to share something positive on this blog.
The book I'm reading, for example.
For this book, first of all, I must thank Giulia has advised me that because it was a sort of revelation. Do not tell me things that I did not know already, but it is a kind of spiritual impetus I needed.
It 's a book about meditation, Zen Buddhism and the surf.
The subtitle is "The search for a surfer find the Zen in the sea ", or something like that.
Yes, just the kind of speech freak (or freakkettone?) that would make him , Bodhi, the man who robbed banks in order to pass the time to seek the perfect wave in "Point Break .
The book is basically a series of anecdotes that tell the path that has made the 'author to ... I do not know. I do not know why I have not finished yet.
But, as he says, and how to say every damn freak traveler spiritually lost in meditation product of long periods away from known civilization, the important thing is the way, not the destination.
Ah, one of the damned hippies and so on. etc.. We also put myself. And we also put my personal story, because I remember the moment when I understood it.
I was on a bus, between Taupo and Wellington who started to climb the mountains, has exceeded, fell to the valley and while I looked away and began what I perceived as a desert.
was the bush.
Now, I'm not absolutely sure it was just the bush, they were low bushes in an arid expanse because New Zealand is not just dry, but that remains to me it was a desert.
And there began, as if for the first time, to beat my heart, that was what I wanted, the desert. In the hands, stomach, all I needed was dry ground and low bushes. He no longer so important to be direct to Wellington to visit the capital, then take a ferry, a bus, train and continue their journey. I was already where I wanted to be.
This has meant that I catapulted out of a speeding bus, I went, then, in Wellington. The point is that finally what mattered was the road, the thrill, the excitement of discovering something you do not expect, not knowing that after the mountains, after the fields, after the fences and all those sheep, the one who waits is a desert.