Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Arabic Coptic Christian Hymns


Visiting London is like meeting an old friend during a metal festival: you feel immediatly confortable, not worried to wear the right façade, even if you're screaming loud a ballad.
That's why I went there - to feel confotable in places I know and I love, like Covent Garden, and all the expensive small shops in there. To buy tea and used clothes. To have a bagel in a small cafe. To drink a too hot cofee in a large paper cup.
I went to some crowded and noisy museums and galleries on Sunday, to have a look around, to do something tourist.
I also went to a surreal closed Camden Market, empty and silent in a Monday morning to see if it's charming as usual. It was.
I Walked in the rain, I Had a sushi lunch and I felt like at home. Never out of place, Perfectly fitting in the right mood in the right place.
Then I catched a train, then a plane, Another train and I was back in this gray reality.
Maybe now I know better what I want.
Not that I needed to check.


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