Friday, December 25, 2009

Moving Companies Rating

Breakfast at Tiffany's

I happened to get lost sometimes in big cities I'd never seen I looked around and did not recognize the walls and people. I went on trial and error, until you find something that I knew well enough to resume my way.
I also happened to get lost in places I knew, and this confused me, made me dizzy: I went on stubbornly convinced that knowing what to conceal the next corner but once again it was gone beyond the fog.
During this time I lost a bit 'in the street, a bit' direction: I looked around confused and take the road they knew to find them in adorable little cloisters never seen before.
dull I went on to streets that do not take me anywhere useful.
I could not remember where I live. I could not remember which was my destination.
Then tonight I call my friend Franci is my compass, and gives me back the way I refocuses the purpose for which I worked so far, and I had lost sight of.
France has always been the one who reminded me that there are dreams that I can do, as difficult as it seems - when we started working together she was returning from seven months in Australia. It taught me to do one thing at a time, take me to avoid anxiety and multitasking wild - this time I was there, in Australia, trying to figure out what the next step, and it was Auckland, NZ.
And tonight - at the time of the call was still Dec. 25 - reminded me why I'm still here, though not for long, it reminded me that if I canceled the lease is because there are more important things which must be in, reminded me that things are really important, but there are others who are not at all, even those beautiful shoes that I saw in the window waiting for the 16, and that's really important that those things are here to wait a deadline.


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