Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How To Install Car Cd Player In Boat

Instant karma

This morning, weighed down in my seat on the subway, between a lady who was reading the newspaper as it was in a chair and a guy enough young man who must have long since left the barbaric habit of blowing his nose, I reflected on the fact that my colleague Fra think I'm more Zen than usual.
I noticed that the lady was forcefully encroaching into what was my two feet of air but I did not quote an elbow between the ribs. And even I turned to give a handkerchief smoccolone the young.
Not even I thought.
few minutes ago a man I had to explain where to find a book, where to find the Cadorna station, where to find the Triennale ten times, because I do not listen. And I'm angry.
not for me, really.
will be getting older, but I no longer want to be angry for any invasion of my living space, not worth it.
better channel the frustrated reactions into the wonderful world of irony and make a fool of unfortunate peasant.
Bookshop moderately full, I'm on hand with a colleague. A woman pays the catalog and the mannequin next to her angrily asks where the tail does not understand.
Me: "Excuse me, I assumed are unable to form a queue to be alone ..." Do you teach kindergarten to queue.
mannequin: "I presume evil"
Oh, yeah, and I thought that the opposable thumb made them self enough to fend for themselves.